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LPYC Winter 2023/2024 Newsletter

LPYC Winter 2023/2024 Newsletter

LPYC Newsletter

Winter 2023/2024 Edition



I hope everyone had a good holiday season and survived our brutal cold spell. Just a few months more and we can again start complaining about the heat!

Our first order of busyness for the new year is of course our Annual Meeting on January 20th at Roma's in Tyler starting at 5:30 pm.

The annual meeting has two main functions. One is for the membership to contribute to the direction of the club for the up coming year, and of course election of officers and directors to help carry that out.

There are two normally expiring terms of directors which are the positions currently held by Peter Pitonack and Lynn Easley. Both will run for reelection. In addition, Ben Hooks who has long served the club stepped down. The board appointed Steve Lowe to fill that position until this election, who will also run for reelection. So this year we will be three directors positions up for election.

The board recommended officers for 2024 should they all be elected are as follows.

Brent Boyle Commodore

Steve Lowe Vice Commodore

John Springer Treasurer

Lynn Easley Secretary

Steve Lowe and others have been discussing with the marina owner about getting some of the missing pilings replaced. I can attest how brutal the north west wind and waves are on the docks.


Upcoming Calendar Events


January 20th - Annual Meeting.

April 13th (tentative) - Spring Fling Cup Race and Dock Party.

November 16th (tentative) - Steve Herber Turkey Regatta and Dock Party.

More events will be discussed at the meeting.

Trivia Question

Congratulations to Rich for responding to he yacht trivia question. Yacht comes from the Dutch jacht, which referred to a small fast sailing vessel used to pursue other vessels.

This edition question is, what is a poop deck, and what was it's function. And no, it's not your first thought!


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