November 14th, 2017


Present at meeting: Ben Hooks, Steve Lowe, Chuck Brazell, Dana Adams, John Springer, and Lynn Easley.

Call to order by Ben Hooks.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by John Springer, seconded by Chuck Brazell.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for 2017 through November 14th were $2,325.00 which consists of current year dues from twenty-one members, $155.00 Regatta Receipts, and $20.00 proceeds from guests at social events.



Disbursements for 2017 through November 14th were $2,259.52 for operations and $649.80 for capital items, resulting in total disbursements of $2,909.32. Disbursements for operations are as follows.

1. $736.98 Regatta.

2. $536.97 Socials.

3. $385.00 Storage Locker at Lake Palestine Marina.

4. $207.17 Equipment (Checks & Deposit Slips, Air Horns).

5. $159.40 Bur-gees.

6. $100.00 Slip Rental.

7. $80.00 Trailer Storage.

8. $54.00 P.O. Box Rent.



For operations, receipts exceeded disbursements resulting in an operating surplus of $65.48.

General Comments:


The cash balance as of November 14th, 2017 is $15,644.44 vs. a budget of $15,218.05. The cash balance one year ago was $17,590.54.

We have twenty-one dues paying members so far in 2017.

Motion to accept treasury report by Steve Lowe, seconded by Chuck Brazell.


Old Business

LPYC Directors:

C.D Sharp accepted the position vacated by John Owens. Rich Munson has agreed to fill Dana Adams position at the end of the year. Dana Adams volunteered to assist Rich with the social functions to get him going.

Fall Regatta:


The Fall Regatta took place on a cold and windy Saturday, but much nicer Sunday. Five boats finished the races despite the conditions, and a decent turnout for the cookout despite the brisk Saturday evening weather. Special thanks go out to Bob Pryor, Dana and Sherry Adams, John Springer, Rich Munson, and John Fabac.

The directors discussed the merits of continuing of having the Fall Regatta in addition to the spring one. Final direction will be left up the incoming commodore in 2018.

The directors also discussed things that could be done to improve the next regatta.

1. Race course marks don’t need to be a preset distance in PHRF, and with the wind constantly fluctuating on the lake, it would be difficult to set an exact course.

2. Race course would continue to be held on the main part of the lake, and it was felt the longer course is an asset for the race. Smaller boats could be towed if necessary. Also using a pontoon

boat to set the marks would provide a more stable platform, especially in windy conditions.

3. A break of two weeks or more from the Lake Tyler Yacht club would possibly allow more participation from them.

4. Raising the price of the t-shirts would help cover the costs of the regatta. Sold 24+ t-shirts at the regatta.

5. Making the lunch sandwiches in house would save the club much money.




New Business

Board Suggested Officers for 2018:


The directors considered their recommend officers for the 2018 year.

John Springer will accept the nomination for Commodore, Chuck Brazell will accept the Vice Commodore position. John Springer will also accept to continue as Treasurer Officer in addition to the Commodore. Lynn Easley will accept the Secretary Officer position.


Upcoming Social Events:


The Christmas Party is currently scheduled for the 3rd Saturday in December at Eagle’s Nest, and the Annual meeting will be held at Emerald Bay, on the third Saturday of January to prevent conflict with Tyler Yacht Club annual meeting. Thanks to Rick Walker for arranging the annual meeting venue. The Christmas dinner will feature a chicken dinner, and the annual meeting will have a Mexican buffet. Steve Lowe also brought up the topic of bringing a donation for the food bank or a Toy’s for Tot’s event at the Christmas dinner.

Additional Slips:


Ben Hooks will test the waters with Lake Palestine Marina about adding or converting a few powerboat slips to be usable for smaller sailboats. Steve Lowe still needs a slip, and the club continually turns away prospective members due to lack of slips.

Budget For 2018:


John Springer will present a preliminary budget for 2018 at the next monthly meeting to be presented at the annual meeting.

Frostbite Race:


It was suggested to have mid-winter race, often called a frostbit race, perhaps after the Christmas Holidays.

Next Director Meeting:


The next meeting is scheduled for the second Thursday of December 14th, at 5:00 PM at Ben Hooks office.




Motion by John Springer. Seconded by Chuck Brazell to adjourn. Approved.