January 15, 2011 MINUTES
Present at meeting: John and Sherry Ellis, Bob and Joanie Pryor, John and Jan Owens,
Steve Lowe, John Springer, Chuck Dryden, Scott and Mona Breeding, Jim Stevenson, Harley
and Donna Wilke, John Thorp and Susan, Warren and Grace Lyon, Kirby and Carol Quirk,
Britt Ruby, Lynn Easley, Bob Coker, and Paul and May Rumrill
Call to order: By John Ellis. John thanked Mona and Joanie for the work they did
putting together the meal. He also recognized new members John Thorp and Susan.
Mona and Scott Breeding were recognized for their donation of the silverware and plates
to the club and the ecological impact we have as ‘sailors’ on our environment.
Steve Lowe presented a recommendation from Rick Walker to give some kind of
discount for paying full year dues instead of quarterly. This is just presented for the
membership to consider and to recommend at a later date if they so choose.
Committee Reports:
Financial: John Springer presented the annual financial report. The club
currently has roughly $13,000 in the bank. We currently take in approximately $6,000
per year in dues. Of that 1/2 goes into the capital expenditure fund. The capital fund
currently has approximately $10,000 in it. Of the annual income roughly 1/2 is for
social; approximately $1,500. The club is maintaining 21 to 22 families. The question
was asked as to what the capital fund was for. This fund is for an major expenditures
principally to help should the club have the need or opportunity to go on it’s on at an
independent location. Motion by Steve Lowe to accept the financial report. Second by
Chuck Dryden. Approved.
Race Series: Jim Stevenson discussed the race series and its success.
Participation averaged 5 boats with a low of 3 and a high on the last race of 7 boats. He
is planning another series for 2011. The series will run from April through October with
no races to be scheduled in July and August due to lack of wind. His goal is to be able to
sort out the handicaps so that everyone will be able to finish at approximately the same
time. Jim presented the 2nd place trophy to John Ellis. There was actually a tie between
John and Bob Coker. The tie breaker was established by the number of races each boat
was in. Jim did recognize that Bob crewed with him on two races and John Owens on
two races so he did actually participate in most of the races. The first place trophy was
then awarded to Lynn Easley. The club thanked Jim for his organizing and directing of
these events.
Annual Board and Officer Elections: John Owens announced that no nominations had
been presented by the membership for board positions. Two positions are available for
election. John Springer and Chuck Dryden’s current terms have expired. John has
agreed to stay on the board while Chuck will be stepping down. The board
recommendations for the open positions are John Springer and Warren Lyon. The board
recommendations for officers are Warren Lyon for commodore, Bob Pryor for
commodore, John Springer for treasurer, and John Owens for Secretary.
Motion by Chuck Dryden to elect by acclimation second by Paul Rumrill. Approved.
John Ellis then passed the gavel to Warren Lyon. Warren then presented John with a
plaque recognizing his work as LPYC commodore for 2010. Warren then thanked
everyone for approving him as commodore and said that he appreciated the opportunity
to serve the membership in this capacity.
Mona Breeding then thanked the entire board of directors for their work for the club.
Adjourn – Motion by Britt Ruby to adjourn 2nd by Harley Wilke. All approved. The
meeting was adjourned.