February 12, 2011 MINUTES

Present at meeting: Bob and Joanie Pryor, John Owens, Steve Lowe, John Springer, Mona Breeding, Harley
Wilke, Warren Lyon, Lynn Easley

Call to order: By Warren Lyon
Review of minutes: Steve Lowe noted that the January minutes showed both Warren Lyon and Bob Pryor as
commodore when in fact Bob is Vice Commodore. Motion by Bob Pryor to approve minutes as amended.
Seconded by Steve Lowe. All approved.

Committee Reports:
Financial: John Springer presented the financial report. We currently have 11 paid up members right
now. We have taken in $1,725 this year in dues. The club currently has roughly $14,000 in the bank. The
capital fund currently has approximately $10,000 in it. Motion by John Owens to accept the financial report.
Second by Bob Pryor. Approved.

Race Series: Jim Stevenson gave his suggestions to Warren prior to the meeting. He suggested that the
3rd Race be either June 18th or 25th. He also suggested there not be a race in either July or August and to resume
the series on either September 17th or 24th with the final race being October 15th or 22nd.
Other events: Joanie and Mona research the crawfish prices and also an additional meat for those
members that cannot eat shellfish.

Other business: Warren stated that he has filed the report with the comptroller.
Bob reported that all the large flags are worn out and need to be replaced. It was discussed that the club flags
should only be flown on weekends and during events.
Warren suggested that the club could possibly participate in the Toys For Tots event at Christmas time and also
possibly work the Salvation Army Pot.

As a visiting member at the board meeting, Harley discussed the capital fund. He stated that he has heard
concerns from several members that they fell they are basically paying double dues since there is a good chance
they will never see the spending of capital fund for their benefit. It was decided that the issue of the capital
fund would be brought up at the next annual meeting for a vote by the membership. Harley and the board were
in agreement with this approach.
The next board meeting will be March 12, 2011

Adjourn – Motion by John Owens to adjourn 2nd by Bob Pryor. All approved.