Come to Order: Warren called meeting to order. Present at meeting: Warren Lyon, John
Springer, Bob Pryor, John Owens, Jim Stevenson, Lynn Easley, Joanie Pryor, and Mona
Present Minutes from last meeting: The minutes from the February meeting were presented.
Motion by Jim Stevenson to accept. Second by John Springer. All in favor.
Treasury: John Springer presented the monthly update. The club has taken in $2,700 in
dues this year and dispersed approximately $360. The current balance is approximately $15,000
with $11,000 of that being in the capital reserve fund. There are two old unpaid accounts.
At this point Mona announced that she and Scott would be moving their boat to Richland
Chambers shortly and they would no longer be members after March.
New Business:
Flags: Bob reported that the large flags we need are priced at $90 each from Prestige
Flag. Since these will now only be flown at club events and possibly weekends they will last a
much longer time
Crawfish Boil: Joanie and Mona reported that the best pricing they have been able to
find is $380 for 20 people from the Purple Pig. This is the smallest amount he can do. Other
foods such as chicken will be provided for those not eating crawfish. It was decided that they
should try to keep the overall costs close to $525.00. Motion by Jim Stevenson. Second by John
Race Series: Jim Stephenson briefly discussed the race series. The first race will be
April 30, 2011. This will also be the weekend that the Geeziers will be coming. The race will be
followed by a hamburger social.
Corporate Status: Warren has found out that the club has inactive status with the State.
Warren and John Springer are looking into this to see what steps need to be taken to cure the
Tax Forfeiture: It appears we are behind in filing our franchise tax report.
Sales taxes: The club should be collecting sales tax on the dues.
Reinstatement – need certificate from Comptroller confirming no tax due
Consider dues policy: Warren discussed Harley’s comment from last month concerning
the capital fund. Last month we decided to wait until the next general membership meeting but
now there is a feeling that it should be dealt with now. Jim suggested that the board should
present a proposal to the membership to possibly resend the amendment concerning this. Bob
started to make a motion that we poll the membership on the elimination of the capital fund and
the merge the existing funds with the general club balance. John Springer suggested that this be
tabled until next month. All agreed.
List of current members: A current list of members was passed out to all attending the
Goals for Club future: Warren suggested that we need to be looking for land to lease
for a possible club location. The marina at Cumberland Ridge was also discussed.
Invitation from TYC March 19 @6pm: All members of the LPYC are invited to the
Annual St. Patrick’s Day party at Tyler Yacht Club next Saturday.
Old Business: No old business
Adjourn: Motion by John Owens to adjourn. Seconded by Jim Stevenson. The meeting was
Next Meeting April 8, 2011