Membership Application/Invoice


Name_______________________________________________  Spouse________________________________________________


Month of Birth_________________________________________ Month of Birth___________________________________________


Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________


City ________________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip Code___________________


Home Phone__________________________ Work Phone_________________________ Cellular Phone_______________________


Spouse Work Phone ____________________________________ Spouse Cellular Phone___________________________________


Home e-mail___________________________________________ Work e-mail___________________________________________


Spouse Home e-mail____________________________________  Spouse Work e-mail ____________________________________


Name and Age of Dependent Children Living with you:_______________________________________________________________


Boat Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________


Manufacturer______________________________________Model __________________ _Year_____________Length___________


What is your main reason for wanting to join the Lake Palestine Yacht Club? _____________________________________________




Are you willing to participate in club activities, including work parties, committee functions, and social events?_________________



Committee Interests:


Rules_________ Communications__________Social___________Membership_____________Other_________________________


What other club activities would most interest you?__________________________________________________________________


Recommended By: 1. ________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________

(Requires Signature Of Two Members In Good Standing)


Note: The above information is compiled for club membership only. If you do not want your home/work/cellular telephone number(s),

home/work e-mail address(es) to be published in the directory, please cross out those features in this paragraph or simply do not fill

in the blanks. We do not share our database information, other than with members. Also, if you do not want to be included on club

member only e-mailings, please check here ___________


I wish to apply for membership in the LPYC and acknowledge that I will support the club in its endeavors and uphold all by-laws

voted and approved by the membership. I hereby release LPYC, its officers and directors from any and all losses liabilities and

damages that might be suffered bymyself, my family, my guests and or boat during any LPYC sponsored events.


Signature_____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________


Please send your completed application and check to John Springer LPYC Treasurer, 6501 Glen Eagles Dr., Tyler, TX, 75703. Telephone 903-218-1225 E-mail inquiries

may be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   Our web-site is:


Dues: $100 per family per year for new members. Upon receipt of form and fees, applicant enjoys the privileges of membership, but membership is contingent on being approved at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.