July 12th 2016



Present at meeting: Steve Lowe, John Owens, Rick Walker, Ben Hooks, Dana Adams, and Lynn Easley.

Call to order by Steve Lowe.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by John Owens, seconded by Lynn Easley.

Financial Report


With the absence of our Treasury for the summer, the financial report was presented by Steve Lowe.


No income or disbursements since May 2016 till the end of June.


Statement of Operations:

Year to Date receipts total $1,700.00

Year to Date Disbursements total $1,459.46

Year to Date Surplus currently totals $240.54

Motion to accept treasury report by John Owens, seconded by Rick Walker, all in favor.

Old Business

Barge update and next barge work day:


Discussed options for a cooler work experience. Ben Hooks offered use of his big shop fan. Next barge work day will either be August 6th, or Aug 13th. Steve Lowe will email out the the two dates to see which one will work out for members the best. It is hoped the barge will be in a usable state by the time of the October dock party. Dana Adams will also bring food for the hungry barge builders.

Marina expansion update:


Rick Walker had recently met with the director of the Upper Neches River Authority on the marina expansion plan and other issues. There are no unforeseen issues on approving the marina expansion by the Upper Neches Lake Authority.

However, the Lake Palestine Marina is not ready to proceed at this time. Ben hooks reported that he knows of three people that are interested in slips. Also we have two boats at the end of the docks, one of which will eventually have to move when the barge is launched.

Potential new members:


Discussed a list of possible members. Some have said they would join, but never had. Some that are active on the boating scene would probably not join due to limited participation in club activities or other reasons. It is also difficult to recruit new members without any available slip spaces for new deep draft boats.


Upcoming social activities:


Dana Adams listed some of the venues he was considering for future 3rd Friday events. Some of the possible venues listed by Dana and other directors included Breakers, FD's , Coyote Sam's, and Lago del Pino. Everyone thought it was a good idea to have the Third Fridays events at different locations. Participation in the events has been improved this year.

The next upcoming event will be the 3rd Friday social to be held at Coyote Sam's on August 17th. The 3rd Friday in September will be held at Jules in Tyler. In October, is the dock party on October 21st , at Lake Palestine Marina. A raftup is also scheduled for the evening of October 15th. A third Friday event is scheduled for Nov 18th, with the venue to be decided later. The annual Christmas party will be held at Eagle's Bluff on Dec 17th.

Also discussed was having a lighted Christmas boat parade in December.


Race Committee Update:


At the mid season summer break from the sailboat races. John Owens, Bob Coker, and Ben hooks are the current leaders. An average of five boats with a maximum of eight boats have participated in the races.

New Business

Potential club sponsorship ideals:


The ideal was presented that the club should sponsor or help sponsor a charitable organization, in addition to Toy's for Tots that the club usually does at the Christmas party. It was also suggested that inviting a news person or crew along on a sailboat race to help publicize the club's activities. Hopefully one with a breeze.

Next Directors Meeting:


The date for the next meeting will be Tuesday August 9th at 4:30 pm, at Ben Hooks office.



Motion by John Owens. Seconded by Rick Walker to adjourn.
