January 10th, 2017



Present at meeting: Steve Lowe, Rick Walker, John Springer, John Owens, Ben Hooks, Dana Adams, Chuck Brazell and Lynn Easley.

Call to order by Steve Lowe.


Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Rick Walker, seconded by Ben Hooks.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for the year 2016 were $1,925.00 Which consists of current year dues from nineteen members.





Disbursements for the year 2016 were $1,662.22 for operations and $3453.08 for capital items, resulting in total disbursements of $5,115.30 Disbursements are as follows.

1. $3,113.67 Pontoon boat.

2. $506.72 Annual meeting at Hollytree C.C.

3. $385.00 Storage locker at Lake Palestine Marina.

4. $339.41 BBQ Grill and propane tank.

5. $235.98 Trophies and Commodore Plaque.

6. $100.35 Cheeseburger in Paradise Dock Party.

7. $92.00 Toilet Rental.

8. $175.00 Phone.

9. $61.26 Business Cards.

10. $57.21 Anchor and Locker keys,

11. $48.00 Post Office box rental.



For operations, receipts exceeded disbursements resulting in an operating surplus of $262.78. Including expenditures for capital items, disbursements exceeded receipts by $3,190.30.

General Comments:


The cash balance as of Dec 31, 2016 is $17,181.05 We have 19 dues paying members in 2016.

Motion to accept treasury report by Ben Hooks, seconded by John Owens.

2017 Dues:


The directors left the dues for 2017 at the current rates of $100.00 per year for renewing members and $120 per year for new members with new members getting hats and burgees. John Springer will email out the invoices for dues.

2017 Budget:


The preliminary budget for 2017 was adjusted to account for the slip rental for the barge at $100 per year.


Old Business

Accepted Rick Walker’s Resignation:


The directors accepted Rick Walker’s resignation with Ben Hooks motion and John Owens seconding the motion. This will allow newer members to serve as directors. The directors thanked Rick for his many years as Commodore and as a director. Rick is looking forward to remaining an active member of the LPYC.

Appointment of Chuck Brazell to the Open Directors Position:


The directors appointed Chuck Brazell as a director, and Chuck accepted the position. The motion was made by John Owens and seconded by Ben Hooks.

Parking Space for Barge Trailer:


With the successful launch of the barge, parking space for the barge trailer as been acquired at $80.00 per year. There was concern about the ability of Gorilla Tape to hold a license plate to the trailer during launching as apparently the license plate has gone missing.


Slate of Officers and Directors for 2017:


With both John Springer running for reelection for their positions of directors in 2017, the directors finalized their suggested list of officers for the 2017 year. Ben Hooks as Commodore, John Owens as Vice Commodore, John Springer as Treasurer, and Lynn Easley as Secretary.

Potential new members:


Ben Hooks reiterated that inviting people to crew on races is a good way to get people interested in the club. Also getting our signs up at the Marina will help publicize the LPYC.

Confirm Annual Meeting Details:


The Annual Meeting will be at Emerald Bay in the President’s Room. The meal will be the Mexican Buffet. After discussing several different formats for the dinner and meeting, it was decided to have the socializing and dinner first, followed by the meeting. Socializing will start at 5:30, with the dinner at 6:30, followed by the meeting.



New Business

2017 Social Activities:


In 2016, the LPYC had thirteen events consisting of six dinners, three dock parties, and three holiday parties with much the same plan for 2017. For 2017, Dana Adams suggested a possible Mardi Gras party or a chili cook-off for February. One concern was we would need a place for such events. Steve Lowe mentioned his community had a building that would be suitable and available for minimal cost. Rick Walker also hopes to break ground in February on a building that could be used for such events.


Membership for Brad Root:


The directors suggested an honorary membership for Brad Root, owner of Lake Palestine Marina for his support and cooperation in adding sailboat slips to his marina. He would also be invited to the annual meeting and other LPYC social events. Ben Hooks made motion to make Brad Root an honorary member, and Chuck Brazell seconded it. All were in favor.


2017 Spring Regatta:


Ben Hooks discussed his general plan for the Spring Regatta. The regatta would take place the weekend of April 29, 30. It would consist of the following events. Skipper’s meeting Saturday morning followed by the morning race starting around 10:30. A lunch break possibly consisting of sack lunches, then another race that afternoon, and a dinner, possibly a dock party that evening. For Sunday it would consist of another race in the morning with an awards ceremony that afternoon. The race course would have two or three possibilities depending on the winds and the types of boats racing. Boat ratings would use the Portsmouth rating system. Three buoys will be needed, John Owens may be able to acquire some at low costs from his contacts. Ben will also be meeting with Lake Tyler Yacht Club racing chairman for ideals and suggestions on the regatta.

Briefly discussed the Wednesday night race series. It would be a short race, of about an hour long starting around 6 to 6:30, after daylight saving time kicks in.

Next Directors Meeting:


The date for the next meeting will be Tuesday February 7th , 2017

at Ben Hooks office.




Motion by John Springer. Seconded by John Owens to adjourn. Approved.