September 12th, 2018




Present at meeting: Chuck Brazell, Steve Lowe, Rick Walker, Ben Hooks, Rich Munson, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Chuck Brazell.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Steve Lowe, seconded by Rich Munson.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by Chuck Brazell.

General Comments:


One $75.00 deposit for a partial year new member. As of August 31, 2018, cash balance was $15,561,59. The regular Treasurer should be back for the next meeting.


Treasury report was accepted by acclamation.


Old Business


Slip Waiting List:


No changes to the slip waiting list.


Regatta Preparations:


Due to TYC having their Regatta scheduled for the same week as LPYC originally scheduled, it was decided to push it back two weeks to allow more cooperation between the two clubs, and for the people that are members at both clubs to participate.

Preparations for the event were also discussed. Lunches will consist of sandwiches, fruit, chips and cookies, along with drinks. Rich Munson will check with either Jason’s Deli or Brookshires about the sandwiches and would pick them up on the mornings of the events. Three different types of sandwich meat will be selected.


Advertising the event was also discussed. Several of the communities have local newsletters. Rick Walker will try and get it included in the Emerald Bay Newsletter, although it might be too late to submit it for the October edition. Also mentioned was the Next Door newsletter.

A entry form, with a skipper’s name will be sent out and made available for boats to enter the regatta.


Ordering T-Shirts for the event was also discussed.

Brochures for LPYC:


Ben Hooks brought a sample brochure for advertising the club. Rick Walker had previously gotten estimates on the costs of having them printed. Ben suggest his office might be able to print them. But what the brochures really needed is up close images of the boats on the water, as most of the pictures are taken from some distance away. It was suggest that one could use just stock photos.

LPYC Christmas Party:


Rich Munson was going to check with Dana to see if he had reserved the club house at Eagles Bluff. If not, might might be too late to reserve it for a Saturday evening. If it is, other possible locations will have to be determined, or possibly have it during the week.

Chuck Brazell suggest doing some type of charity event at the party for some group like the Junior Sailing Association or Sea Scouts, as a sailing related event.


New Business


Sail Trim Seminar:


Rich Munson conducted a poll on what would be the best time to have the sail trim seminar, with Tuesday evening, November 27 being the top choice followed by all the other previous Tuesdays of November in a tie. Rich will check with Mariner to see what dates they would be able to attend. It was also suggested to buy their meal, and possible hotel room for the the night.


Upcoming Social Events:


The Third Friday event was to be held at the Salt Grass restaurant, but it was already booked, so the event will be moved to the Cantina Laredo on September 21 at 6:00 pm.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 10th, at noon, with location to be determined.




Motion by Steve Lowe. Seconded by Ben Hooks to adjourn. Approved.