December 12th, 2018




Present at meeting: John Springer, Steve Lowe, Rich Munson, Rick Walker, Ben Hooks, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by John Springer.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Steve Lowe, seconded by John Springer.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for 2018 through December 12th were $2,576.00, which consists of current dues from twenty-two members and $81.00 for sales of club merchandise, and $270.00 of regatta receipts.



Disbursements for 2018 through December 12th were $2,400.68 for operations and $113.14 for capital items, resulting in total disbursements of $2,513.82. Disbursements for operations are as follows.

1. $736.66 Socials (Annual Membership Meeting, Cheeseburger dock Party, and Octoberfest).

2. $698.90 Regatta.

3. $417.04 Storage Locker.

4. $326.21 Bur-gees (6) and hats (6).

5. $100.00 Slip Rental.

6. $60.00 P.O. Box Rent.

7. $33.00 Trailer Storage.

8. $28.87 Supplies.



For operations, receipts exceeded disbursements resulting in an operating surplus of $175.32.

General Comments:


The cash balance as of December 12th 2018 is $14.974.62. The cash balance one year ago was $15,489.44. We have twenty-two dues paying members in 2018.

Motion to accept Treasury report by Ben Hooks, seconded by Rick Walker.


Officer and Director Reports.


John Springer – Will try to have the Turkey race in the spring, weather and members being out of town was it’s downfall this year. It was suggested to have John Springer slide show from his summer at the annual meeting, usually a good turn out for that event.

Still have quite a few Regatta T-Shirts left over. Will either try and sell them and or use as door prizes.


Rich Munson – Thirteen possible attendee so far for the Christmas dinner. Rich will get with John Springer and start planning next years calendar of events. Steve Lowe suggested maybe a weather presentation for next year from a local meteorologist. The light wind sailing seminar had a good turnout this year. The third Friday social at Athena’s Greek restaurant was better than expected by the attending members.


Rick Walker – Showed off some party favors that he is planning to give out to members. for members at the annual meeting. Verified with the directors to continue with the Mexican buffet for the Annual Meeting


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


No changes to the slip waiting list. One boat in a slip is for sale. John Springer will check with one possible member that is on the waiting list about joining the club.


New Business

Directors and Officers for 2019:


All current directors have agreed to stay on and with the same positions if no one else steps up. Jon Springer would continue as Commodore and Treasure, Chuck Brazell would stay on as Vice Commodore, Lynn Easley will continue as Secretary. Rich Munson will continue his role as Social Director. Steve Lowe, Rick Walker and Rich Munson will also stay on in their respective director positions. Discussed the possibility of having one of the terms as a one year trial to see if anyone would be interested in trying it out for a shorter period. Was also suggested to see if any of the spouses would be interested.

Upcoming Social Events:


The Christmas Party is scheduled for Dec 16th at Eagles Bluff.

The Annual meeting is scheduled for January 19th at Emerald Bay.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 9th 2019, at noon, at F.D.’s Grill in Tyler.




Motion by Steve Lowe. Seconded by Ben Hooks to adjourn. Approved.