January 9th, 2019



Present at meeting: John Springer, Rich Munson, Rick Walker, Chuck Brazell and Lynn Easley.

Call to order by John Springer.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Rich Munson, seconded by Rick Walker.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for 2018 were $2,586.00, which consists of current dues from twenty-two members and $81.00 for sales of club merchandise, and $280.00 of regatta receipts.



Disbursements for 2018 were $2,905.00 for operations and $113.14 for capital items, resulting in total disbursements of $3,018.14. Disbursements for operations are as follows.

1. $1,240.98 Socials (Annual Membership Meeting, Cheeseburger Dock Party, Christmas Party, and Octoberfest).

2. $698.90 Regatta.

3. $417.04 Storage Locker.

4. $326.21 Bur-gees (6) and hats (6).

5. $100.00 Slip Rental.

6. $60.00 P.O. Box Rent.

7. $33.00 Trailer Storage.

8. $28.87 Supplies.



For operations, disbursements exceeded receipts resulting in an operating deficit of $319.00.

General Comments:


The cash balance as of December 31, 2018 is $14.480.30. The cash balance one year ago was $14,912.44. We had twenty-two dues paying members in 2018.

One correction is the club no longer has a trailer storage fee since being moved to another location.

Motion to accept Treasury report by Chuck Brazell, seconded by Rich Munson.


Officer and Director Reports.

John Springer – Presented the calendar of events for the 2019 calendar year that will be presented to the members at the Annual Meeting.

March 23rd was suggested for the date for the Steve Herber Turkey race. Course will consist of starting in front of the Lake Palestine Marina, looping down through the bay where where Emerald Bay Marina was located and back.

Rich Munson – Distributed a printout of the spreadsheet that is used to track who is attending the upcoming events to get a better ideal of the relative popularity of each event and can be compared to the previous years attendance.

More discussion on a possible weather seminar and who they might be available to present it. It would also be a event that would be open Lake Tyler Yacht club members and others.

Also gave the directors an update on John Owens.


Rick Walker – If they are unable to attend it was suggested to hold on to the party favors for the members until a possible third Friday event rather than the Annual Meeting.

Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


No changes to the slip waiting list.

New Business

Annual Meeting Agenda:


Same format as last years Annual Meeting. John Springer suggested delaying his slide show presentation to a later date, as it could cause the dinner and meeting to run too long.

Interim Director Positions:


An amendment will be presented at the Annual Meeting for up to two interim directors that serve for one year terms. One member has accepted a nomination for one of the positions.

Upcoming Social Events:

The Annual meeting is scheduled for January 19th at Emerald Bay.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 13th 2019, at noon, at F.D.’s Grill in Tyler.




Motion by Rick Walker. Seconded by Chuck Brazell to adjourn. Approved.