January 19th, 2019


Present at meeting: John and Kitty Springer, Steve Lowe, Dana and Sherry Adams, Nat Hart, Rick and Dicksie Walker, Jim and Jan Stevenson, Dave Olson, Peter and Luba Pitonak and Lynn Easley.

Call to order by John Springer

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Minutes were accepted by acclamation.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for 2018 were $2,586.00, which consists of current dues from twenty-two members and $81.00 for sales of club merchandise, and $280.00 of regatta receipts.



Disbursements for 2018 were $2,905.00 for operations and $113.14 for capital items, resulting in total disbursements of $3,018.14. Disbursements for operations are as follows.

1. $1,240.98 Socials (Annual Membership Meeting, Cheeseburger Dock Party, Christmas Party, and Oktoberfest).

2. $698.90 Regatta.

3. $417.04 Storage Locker.

4. $326.21 Bur-gees (6) and hats (6).

5. $100.00 Slip Rental.

6. $60.00 P.O. Box Rent.

7. $33.00 Trailer Storage.

8. $28.87 Supplies.



For operations, disbursements exceeded receipts resulting in an operating deficit of $319.00.

General Comments:


The cash balance as of December 31, 2018 is $14.480.30. The cash balance one year ago was $14,912.44. We had twenty-two dues paying members in 2018.

Treasure’s report was accepted by acclamation.


Old Business

Recognition of Club Members:


John Springer recognized the contributions of several LPYC Members. Rich and Marie for organizing the social functions, and Jim Stevenson for organizing the Saturday Racing Events.

Election of Directors and Officers


John Springer asked if there were any nominations for the open director positions or for selection of officers for 2019. There were no nominations from the floor or submitted prior to the meeting. Since all of the positions were uncontested, the members voted by acclamation to accept the directors and the board recommendations for officers.

For the year 2019, John Springer will be Commodore, Chuck Brazell with be Vice Commodore, John Springer will also continue as Treasury, and Lynn Easley will continue as Secretary. The following members will also serve as directors, Rich and Marie Munson will handle the social duties and Steve Lowe and Rick Walker will serve as a directors.


New Business

Introduce New Members:


John Springer introduced the new members Peter and Luba Pitonak that have recently joined the club.

Present Awards for 2018:


Jim Stevenson presented the bur-gee that will go to Bob Coker, the 2018 winner of the Saturday Race Series. The Saturday race series completed six races out of ten. Several were canceled due to stormy weather. Six boats competed in the race series. For the 2019 Saturday Race series, Jim Stevenson proposed having a maximum of a one hour and thirty minute starting early time.

John Springer recapped the 2018 Regatta series of which Jim Stevenson won the event and 2nd place went to John Springer, and Ben Hooks took 3rd place.

Review 2019 Events Calendar:


The social calendar for the 2019 year was reviewed. It consists of at least four food provided events. The Annual meeting, “Cheeseburger in Paradise” dock party, Fall Regatta and dock party, and the Christmas party. There will be ten Saturday race series, and the Wednesday night series races starting in March. The Steve Herber Memorial Race is scheduled for March. Also included are the monthly director meetings and the third Friday socials for most months that aren’t preempted by other social events.

John Owens Update:


Steve Lowe gave the members an update on John Owens condition.

Amendment to Include Up to Two Interim Directors:


John Springer presented an amendment to allow up to two interim directors to serve on the board for a one year term. The interim directors could vote, but not sure as officers. The hope is to get more involvement from the members with less commitment with only a one year term. Ron McKay has agreed to serve as one of the interim directors.

The amendment and the interim director were accepted by acclamation.

2020 Annual Meeting Location:


John Springer tossed out the idea of a different venue for the 2020 Annual Meeting to be discussed later in the year.




Motion to adjourn was accepted by acclamation. Approved.