January 18th, 2020


Present at meeting: John and Kitty Springer, Chuck Brazell, Steve Lowe, Dana and Sherry Adams, Nat and Elizabeth Hart, Rick and Dicksie Walker, Jim and Jan Stevenson, Bob Coker and Debbie, John and Jan Owens, John and Susan Fabac, Dave and Sheryl Olson, Peter and Luba Pitonak, Michael and Sheri Peterson, Lynn Easley, and special guest Paul Lohr.

Captain Paul Lohr an ex-LPYC member did a presentation on his hand made sixty foot river paddle boat that is now in service in Natchitoches, La.

Call to order by John Springer

Financial Report


John Springer gave a run down of the clubs current financial standing. With several canceled outside events, the club spent less than projected and ended up with a $616.73 surplus. The beginning cash balance as of January 1st was $15,107.75

Treasure’s report was accepted by acclamation.


Old Business

Mast Hoist Update:


John Springer gave an update on the mast hoist crane at the end of the dock of the Lake Palestine Marina. The crane is unable to be swiveled out due to rust with unsuccessful attempts to free it up. Ben Hooks has been in contact with the marina owner and a third party dock/lift builder. The cost to return to service for the club is not known yet.


Recognition of Club Members:


John Springer recognized the contributions of several LPYC Members. Rich and Marie for organizing the social functions, and Jim Stevenson for organizing the Saturday racing events, Chuck Brazell for handling duties while he was gone for the summer, and Lynn Easley for maintaining the club’s website. He also introduced the two new members Michael and Sheri Peterson.

Presentation of Awards:


John Springer presented the award trophy of the Fall Turkey Race to Jim Stevenson.

Due to the limited number of Saturday races, no awards were given, and also the Regatta which was canceled due to weather.

Election of Directors and Officers


Lynn Easley read the list of recommended directors and officers for the 2020 calendar year. Since none of the positions were contested and there was no nominations, the members voted by acclamation to accept the directors and the board recommendations for officers.

For the year 2020, Rick Walker will be Commodore, Chuck Brazell with be Vice Commodore, John Springer will also continue as Treasury, and Lynn Easley will continue as Secretary. The following members will also serve as directors, Rich Munson, Steve Lowe, and Ben Hooks. Ron McKay has previously indicated he will stay on as a interim director.


New Business


Present Award to John Springer:


Rick Walker presented John Springer with a outgoing Commodore bur-gee, and two insulated drinking cups.


Amendment Proposal to Allow Voice Vote for Approval of Directors and Officers:


Rick Walker proposed updating the club by-laws to allow voting by voice for directors and officers when the positions are uncontested. The current by-laws only specify voting by secret ballot.

Clarification of One or Two Votes for Member and Spouse:


Rick Walker also proposed a question the the membership on whether member that is a couple would get one or two votes. John Owens, one of the founders of the current club said the intent was to only have one vote per membership couple. John Owens proposed the motion to make it one vote per membership couple and Jim Stevenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with no dissent.

Clarification of Interim Directors to Vote:


There was also a question on the interim directors ability to vote. As originally described, they could vote, but not serve as an officer. That could lead to a situation where there is an even number of yea and nay votes and no way to break the tie. It was suggested to remove the right to vote to ensure there is always an odd number of directors so there is no possibility of a tie. Steve Lowe proposed to make the position non-voting, Kitty Springer seconded the motion. Motion was carried with no dissent.

History of Club Recap:


Rick Walker presented a short recap of the club’s history for newer members. Listing the original founders of the reconstituted LPYC, and past commodores of the club.

Tribute to Lost Members:


Remembering the past members that contributed so much to the club that are no long with us. Steve Herber, first Commodore of the club, Warren Lyon, several terms at Commodore, and Bob Pryor, recurring director positions and a great help to all members of the boating community. They are missed.

Awarding of Painting by Dana Adams:


Dana Adams donated a water color painting of a wooden sailing ship. Names of all the attendees were placed in an envelope, and Dana Adams did the honor of drawing out a name. The winner of the painting were Rick and Dicksie Walker.




Motion to adjourn was accepted by acclamation. Approved.