July 8th, 2020




Present at virtual meeting: Rick Walker, Chuck Brazell, Rich Munson, John Springer, Steve Lowe, Ben Hooks, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were previously emailed by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Chuck Brazell, seconded by Ben Hooks.

Financial Report


Only change to the financial report was an additional $125.00 receipt from a new member added to the totals, no new disbursements.




Receipts for 2020 through July 8th were $2025.00, which are current year dues from twenty members.




Disbursements for 2020 through July 8th were $1,217.42 for operations as follows:


$568.31 Socials –Annual Meeting.

$385.00 Storage Locker Rent.

$100.00 Slip Rental.

$80.00 Post Office Box Rent.

$84.11 Trophies/Awards.




For operations, receipts exceeded disbursements resulting in an operating surplus of $807.58. No capital funds were expended.


General Comments:



We have twenty dues paying members thus far in 2020.


Motion to accept Treasury report by acclimation.


Officer and Director Reports.


Rick Walker – Carburetor parts have been ordered for his boat which should fix his engine problems.

Emerald Bay did get new new No Wake buoys put out in their area. They probably are placed too far out and boaters tend to ignore them. Enforcement seems to be lacking on the lake recently. Rich Munson said while you can record violators and their TX numbers on video, it amounts to a target on your back kind of thing. Rich and others agreed that boat education would be the most likely to help. Possibly posting warning signs about damage done by wakes in areas used by transients.

Still planning on sending out a newsletter on the club to members.


Ben Hooks – The people that installed his boat lift will be out in the first week of August to do some maintenance on his lift. Will let the other directors know when they are planning to show up so they can discuss options on how to fix the mast crane.


Rich Munson – With the Covid-19 and the summer time temperatures, most summer time activities have been a bust. Rich also asked for help in converting his membership roster into a PDF for members to use. Steve Lowe volunteered to assist in converting it into a PDF document.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


Steve Lowe - Would like Brit’s slip if his boat leaves the marina as it is a larger slip. No disagreement from any of the directors.

Mike Jeter - Unconfirmed if he is still thinking about having a boat on Lake Palestine

Local Social Happenings :


The Purple Pig has been sold to a firm that runs the Eddie Dean resturant chain. The previous owners plan to reopen it at a new location. WaWa’s another local establishment will be changing their name due to naming conflicts.


New Business


Ideals to Keep Club Active During this Time:


John Springer will be doing a Zoom tour of his boat on Lake Michigan once he reaches a harbor which will most likely be on the upcoming Tuesday. Once the date and time is determined, an email will be sent out to the membership.

The other speakers are still interested, Bob Hayes could do his presentation over Zoom but is currently busy with other issues. Bella Eisenhower would prefer an in-person meeting when conditions allow.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next meeting is scheduled for August 12h at noon via a Zoom meeting.




Motion to adjourn by Ben Hooks, seconded by Rich Munson.