Sept 9th, 2020




Present at virtual meeting: Rick Walker, Steve Lowe, Ben Hooks, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were previously emailed by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Steve Lowe, seconded by Ben Hooks.

Financial Report


Only change to the financial report from last Treasurer’s report was an additional $350.00 receipts from two new members, Les Bentley, and Jeff Hale, and one existing member, Chuck Brazell added to the totals. No new disbursements.




Disbursements for 2020 through July 8th were $1,217.42 for operations as follows:


$568.31 Socials –Annual Meeting.

$385.00 Storage Locker Rent.

$100.00 Slip Rental.

$80.00 Post Office Box Rent.

$84.11 Trophies/Awards.




General Comments:



Account balance as of July 31, 2020 is 16,129.61.


Motion to accept Treasury report by acclimation.


Officer and Director Reports.


Rick Walker – Reports his boat’s engine is finally running correctly.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List Boat Happenings:


Mike Jeter - Unconfirmed if he is still thinking about having a boat on Lake Palestine

Steve Lowe bought John Owen’s boat, his current boat will be moving back to Dallas with the new owner. Les Bentley bought Britt Ruby’s boat.

Hoist Update:


Ben Hooks hasn’t received the bids from the dock builders on possible types of repairs to the mast hoist. They still have work to do on his boat lift so will give them a call.

Website Ad’s:


Ben Hooks felt like it should be a benefit reserved for LPYC members as should the mast hoist use. If someone want’s to post an ad, they could either join the club and receive access to all club activities or pay a monthly fee for such ad. Ben Hooks made a motion for ad’s to be reserved for LPYC members or pay a $25.00 per month fee. The ad’s should be boating related, and any not boating ad would have to be approved by the directors. As a trial, the fees will be waived until January 1, 2021. Steve Lowe seconded the motion. There were no nay’s on the vote.


New Business


Fall Regatta:


No decision on the Fall Regatta yet, will wait and see if John Springer has any additional thoughts when he gets back in town.

Christmas Party Venue:


Need to verify we have reserved Eagles Bluff location for the Christmas party currently scheduled for Friday evening on December 11th.

Possibility mentioned of doing live and Zoom split activity for people not being able to attend a social function.

Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next meeting is scheduled for October 14h at noon via a Zoom meeting.




Motion to adjourn by Ben Hooks, seconded by Steve Lowe.