March 18th, 2023



Present at meeting: Ashley Tackett, Ben Hooks, Peter Pitonak, Brent Boyle, Steve Lowe, and Lynn Easley.


Call to order by Ashley Tackett.


Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Brent Boyle, seconded by Peter Pitonak.


Financial Report


The financial report was presented by Steve Lowe.



Receipts through March 18th were $1,945.00, which are dues from twenty members and the purchase of a bur-gee and a ball cap. Note $100.00 of 2023 dues were received from a member in the prior year.



The only disbursement so far this year was $471.86 for the Annual Meeting and $126.17 for a phone line. We should be receiving an invoice for the barge slip rental, and storage locker this month.



Currently, L.P.Y.C. has a cash surplus of $1,346.97.


General Comments:


The cash balance at March 18th, 2023 is $17,673.08.


Motion to accept was by Ashley Tackett, seconded by Ben Hooks.


Officer and Director Reports.


Ben HooksWill be unable to host the May 19th event due to other events. He did say he could host an event on August 12th.

Peter Pitonak – Peter Pitonak said they would be able to host the October 14th event.

Brent Boyle – Brent Boyle said he will be able to host the May 19th event and movie night at his house.


Old Business

Slip Waiting List:


David Kinsey – Not sure if boat would fit in any of the slips.

Steve Lowe – Inner larger slip should one become available.


Barge Trailer Repairs:


Ben Hooks reported that repairs have been previously approved for the barge trailer which is currently in secured at his shop yard. He will acquire a replacement trailer jack for the trailer. The tires are also in bad shape, but they can be replaced at a later date.

Mast Crane Repairs:


The mast crane wire is extremely rusty, and needs to be replaced. Ben Hooks volunteered to source a replacement wire and after the meeting determine the size and length needed.



Barge Repairs:


John Springer built a corner post with braces to replace one of the pipe stanchion corners. Two other corners are also in need of replacing, and the barge needs a fresh coat of wood treatment. It was decided that a maintenance day for that and other projects such as cleaning out the storage locker and mast crane cable replacement should be scheduled. The members selected June 3rd for a maintenance day starting at around 9:00 till whenever.

Mission and Vision Statements for the Club:


Tabled for this months meeting, will continue using the current versions.


Contact with New Upper Neches River Authority:


Steve Lowe volunteered to contact David Kinsey to see if he would be interested in a meeting with the new the Upper Neches River Authority manger to discuss possible options for the Lake Palestine Yacht Club. He had expressed interest in a previous club gathering due to lack of slip space.


New Business


Flotilla Event:


The flotilla event is currently scheduled for April 1st. There was some discussion about flipping the dates between the Spring Cup and the flotilla dates because some members couldn’t make the event. But it was decided to leave things as currently scheduled as it was reasoned there would still be enough boats for a race, and the desire to start off the events with a low key non-race event. Current plans for the event call for a start time around noon, then after some group sailing, possibly a short raft up in some cove.

Spring Race Series and Spring Regatta and Dock Party:


Brent Boyle has volunteered to help with the Spring Cup race. It may be possible to use one of the existing no wake buoy in Mallard’s cove as a turning point in the race.

A skipper’s meeting before the race is planned, with the race scheduled to start at noon. And participants would have to keep track of their elapsed or finish time to report back to the person overseeing the race.

It was also suggested that a renaming ceremony for Brent’s boat would at the dock party would be good time to have it. That is pending on Brent receiving the decals in time.


Mast Raising of Ashley Tackett’s Boat:


Several directors could not make this Monday, so the event is set for the Monday after that which would be March 27th, starting around 10:00 am.


Date and Time of Next Meeting:


The next monthly meeting is currently scheduled for April 29th at 11:30 am at Smoke Monkey.




Motion to adjourn by Ben Hooks, seconded by Lynn Easley.