May 10th 2014



Present at meeting: Rick Walker, Dicksie Walker, John Owens, Steve Lowe, Bob Pryor, Dana Adams, and Lynn Easley

Call to Order by Rick Walker.


Present Minutes from last meeting


The minutes were presented and approved. Motion to accept by Steve Lowe, seconded by John Owens.


Financial Report:


Receipts for the year through May 10, 2014 were $2,650.00, which included $50.00 from 2013 dues.


We had two disbursements in 2014: 1) $339.12 for the January Membership Meeting, and 2) $34.00 for the rental of the post office box.


The cash balance of $21,548.22 includes $14,087.50 in a capital reserve.


We have fourteen dues paying members in 2014.


Motion to accept treasury report by Bob Pryor, seconded John Owens, all in favor.


Old Business



Still no luck in meeting with Monty to present a plaque in appreciation of his efforts. The club will continue to invite him to the 3rd Friday night socials and

hopefully he will be able to attend one of them. It was felt that it would be preferable to do it that way, rather than just having a few members meet with him to

present the plaque.


Sea Scouts Interest:


Dicksie Walker has kept in touch the leader of the Sea Scouts that contacted the club last year. She reports that they have sailed with clubs and organizations

through out Texas. Ages range from 14 to 20. Discussed having a possible sailing event for them, but it is still needed to be determined how many leaders they

would need for such an event. Dicksie will keep in touch with them.


New Business


Social Calendar:

Since we haven't had a dry land social event lately, It was decided unanimously to have the club pay for food at the upcoming 3rd Friday of the month social

event. Dana Adams will send out the emails and handle the event. It is currently scheduled for May 16th at Dakota's Chophouse.

Also discussed was possible speakers for future events. Bob Pryor is neighbors with one of the founders of Laguna Yachts, and maybe persuaded to give a

presentation. Another possibility is one of the local Game Wardens, Chris who has a captain's license.

On the Forth of July Celebration, the club is still planning to celebrate it at Emerald Bay Marina since it is a prime viewing location. If for some reason the

marina isn't still available alternate plans to raft up just off the property are possible. A cookout featuring hamburgers and hot dogs is planned for the evening

with fireworks starting around 9:00 pm.




Motion by Steve Lowe. Seconded by John Owens to adjourn. Approved.