December 20th 2014



Present at meeting: Rick Walker, Dana Adams, John Springer, Warren Lyon, John Owens, Bob Pryor, Lynn Easley

Call to Order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting

The minutes were presented and approved. Motion to accept by John Springer, seconded by John Owens.

Financial Report:


Receipts for the year through December 20th , 2014 were $2,855.00, which included $50.00 from 2013 dues.


Disbursements for the year through December 20th 2014 were $1,296.27 for socials and $34.00 for the rental of the post office box.


The net of receipts over disbursements results in a year to date cash surplus of $1,524.73


The cash balance of $20,796.07 and includes $14,087.50 in a capital reserve.


We have fourteen dues paying members in 2014.

Motion to accept treasury report by Warren Lyon, seconded by Bob Pryor, all in favor.



Old Business

Race Buoy:

Bob Pryor found the old buoy from previous yacht club to use as a starting race buoy. One of the early starters on the race series can just drop it off, and one of the last to finish will pick it up. The buoy can be tied up to Rick Walkers dock that is near the race start line.

Yacht Club Phone Number:

Currently decided not to use a local phone number for the yacht club, as the website provides a sufficient method of contact. Also no one volunteered to check for any new messages.

Monty Shank Plaque:

Since Monty Shank has been unable to attend one of the club functions, the plaque will be updated, and delivered to Monty's office by one of the club members.

New Business

Annual Meeting:

The annual meeting will be held at Clear Springs Restaurant in Tyler on January 17th from 6:00 pm until about 8:30 pm. Dana Adams will handle making the reservations. The club will pay for the attendees food, and non-alcoholic beverages. Invites will be sent out to current members and various ex-members and prospective members.

Some topics for the meeting will be as follows.

Discussed lowering the annual dues to $100.00 per year for current members, and setting the annual dues for a new member at $125.00 for the first year with the addition of a free club hat and bur-gee for the new member. The club has been running a surplus recently, and it is hoped it will help attract new members to the club.

Awarding an item of appreciation to directors and club members who have donated their time and money in support of club functions. John Springer presented an example of a small sailboat plaque for such an award.

Dana Adams asked for ideals on how to increase the attendance at the third Friday of the month gatherings. One idea discussed was providing a $5.00 voucher per couple at some of the more expensive locations. Another idea was having the food paid for by the club at a few of the events.

Rick Walker asked if John Owens write up a short History of the Club to be presented during the annual meeting.

Director Nominations:

Since no nominations have been received for the expiring director positions of Rick Walker, and Lynn Easley. Both have agreed to run again for those positions. The board recommended suggestions for officers for the 2015 year will be as follows.

Commodore Rick Walker

Vice Commodore Warren Lyon

Treasury John Springer

Secretary Lynn Easley.




Motion by John Springer. Seconded by John Owens to adjourn. Approved.