January 17th 2015



Present at meeting: Rick and Dicksie Walker, Ben and Laura Hooks, Warren and Grace Lyon, Brit and Lynette Ruby, John Springer, Bob Pryor, Dana and Sherry Adams, Jim and Jan Stevenson, Bob Coker, Kirby and Carol Quick, Harley and Donna Wilke, Lynn Easley, and guests.

Call to Order by Rick Walker.

Present Minutes from last meeting

Copies of last years Annual Meeting minutes were passed out. Motion to accept by acclamation by Bob Pryor, seconded by John Springer.

Reports of Officers:


Financial Report

John Springer presented the financial report.


Receipts for the year are $2,855.00 consisting of.

A) 2800.00 Dues current year.

B) 50.00 previous/next year dues.

C) Social reimbursements.



Disbursements so far for the year are $1,394.43 and are comprised of:

A) $ Social.

B) $64.16 Trophies.

C) $34.00 Post Office Box Rent.

General Comments:

The cash balance of $20,731.91 includes $14,087.50 in a capital reserve fund.

We have fourteen dues paying members in 2014.

John Springer noted that we have not been doing a good job of spending money as we have ended up with surpluses at the end of the year.

Motion to accept treasury report by Warren Lyon, seconded Jim Stevenson, all in favor.

Secretary Report

Lynn Easley presented the secretary's report.

The good / bad news is membership has been holding steady around 14 members.

The three most popular questions from people visiting the website are as follows.

1) Asking if anyone is offering sailing lessons in the area.

2) Are slips available on the lake.

3) Does the club have a clubhouse or faculties.

Recognized two new boats to the lake, Ben and Laura's Harbor 25 sailboat, and Rick and Dicksie's Morgan OI 28 sailboat.

Social Director Report

The social report was presented by Dana Adams.

Reported the sad news that Frank and Nina Johnson are having to retire from sailing.

Dana Adams asked for input on the 3rd Friday Social Events, for anything that could improve their attendance. Only a few members are consistently attend.


Old Business:

Marina Faculties

No new updates on Emerald Bay Marina. The marina facilities are still for sale, several parties have expressed interest in the facilities, but no deal is forthcoming.

Reports of Committees:

No committees are currently active.

Installment of Newly Elected Officers and Directors:

With no new nominations from the members, the re-election of Rick Walker and Lynn Easley as directors was accepted by acclimation, as well as the directors recommendations for officers. For 2015, the officers will be, Rick Walker as Commodore, Warren Lyon as Vice Commodore, John Springer as Treasurer, and Lynn Easley as Secretary.

In addition, Dana and Sherry Adams will serve as Social Directors for the 201 year, and Jim Stevenson will continue Racing Captain, coordinating the sailboat races

New Business:

Lowering of Annual Fees.

With the budget surplus the directors set the annual membership fee at $100.00 per year for renewing members and $125.00 for new members. New members will also receive a cap and bur-gee. The capital fund will remain as is for now.

Increasing 3rd Friday Social Event Participation

One suggestion was to pay for food at some of the 3rd Friday Social events, dependent on the club's budget.

Sailing Race Awards

Jim Stevenson presented sailing race awards. For the 2014 race series, Bob Coker took the First Place, and John Owens, and Jim Stevenson tied for 2nd place. As many as 10 different boats participated in the races, and as many as 8 boats competed in a single race, which is an improvement over previous years. The races will continue to use the lower part of the lake for the 2015 series.

History of the Club

Rick Walker presented a history of the club. Starting around 2004, discussions about reconstituting the LPYC began between John Owens and Steve Lowe. In the following months, also joining the discussions were Bob Pryor, John Ellis, John Springer, and David Rozell. On July 24, 2006, the first official meeting took place with the following individuals, Steve Herber, David Rozell, Bob Pryor, John Owens, Steve Lowe, John Ellis, Brit and Lynette Ruby.

The club was established as a boating club open to both power and sail boats.

Steve Herber agreed to be the first commodore. On Oct 14, 2006 a committee was formed to develop the bylaws.

On December 9, 2006, the new bylaws and membership applications were presented and approved.

The first Annual Meeting was was held Jan 13, 2007.

Award Items of Appreciation

Rick Walker awarded items of appreciation to the directors, consisting of Rick Walker, Warren Lyon, John Springer, Lynn Easley, Steve Lowe, and John Owens, and also Dana Adams and Jim Stevenson for their contribution of their service to the LPYC.


Motion to adjourn by Brit Ruby, Seconded by Warren Lyon. Approved.