April 12th 2016



Present at meeting: Steve Lowe, John Owens, Rick Walker, John Springer, Ben Hooks, and Lynn Easley.

Call to Order by Steve Lowe.

Present Minutes from last meeting

The minutes were presented by Lynn Easley.

Motion to accept by Rick Walker, seconded by Ben Hooks.

Financial Report


The financial report was presented by John Springer.



Receipts for the year through April 12th, 2016 were $1,600.00, which consists of $1600.00 for current year dues from sixteen members.



Disbursements for the year through April 12th, 2016 were $3448.52.

Consisting of the following:


1. $1750.00 Pontoon boat.

2. $506.72 For annual meeting at Hollytree C.C.

3. $385.00 Storage locker at Lake Palestine Marina.

4. $339.41 BBQ grill and propane tank.

5. $235.98 Was for trophies and Commodore plaques.

6. $64.94 Phone

7. $61.26 For business cards.

8. $57.21 Anchor and locker keys.

9. $48.00 Post office box rent.



The net disbursements over receipts results in a year-to-date cash deficit of $1,848.52.


General Comments:

The cash balance as of April 12th, 2016 is $18522.33.

We currently have sixteen dues paying members in 2016.

Motion to accept treasury report by John Owens, seconded by Rick Walker all in favor.

Old Business

Large metal LPYC Signs:


Rick Walker found one large metal LPYC sign that could be used to be mounted on the poles in front of Lake Palestine Marina. Bob Pryor will take it in to a sign shop to get the vinyl lettering updated to the current information on the club. There is also concern over the structural condition of one of the poles that will hold up the signs. It will require some type of bracing.

New members:

With LPYC directors encouragement, former members Todd Sawyer, and Harley Wilkie have rejoined the LPYC, and Chuck Brazell is renewing his membership. This will bring the total membership up to eighteen members.

The directors also discussed limiting non-members participation in club sponsored activities. There is not much incentive to join if they have unlimited access to club activities. Some possible restrictions are limiting guests to two social activities, dropping them from emails announcing upcoming events, and no awards from club events for non-members.

LPYC barge plans and budget:

Ben Hooks presented a plan for the layout of seating and cabinet/counter space for the barge. The barge has a usable space of 24 feet length by 8 feet width. The plans call for seating and counter/cabinet/grill spaces along the sides, with an enclosure at the stern for housing a porta-potty. Entrance to the barge would be at the aft end on either side of the enclosure. The seating would consist 2x6 lumber similar to a picnic table style seating to make cleanup a simple hose off the barge step. Rick Walker suggested if additional table space is needed, some of the floor mount pedestal tables could be used in the center. Also a cheap canvas cover to provide some shade would be useful, and Rick might have something that would work for that.

Ben Hooks and John Owens briefed the directors on the overall condition of the barge, trailer, and motor. The barge seems in good condition, but of course the top layer of decking is delaminated. John recommend ripping the flooring up and replacing it. The trailer seems in good shape other than a few rusted spots expected on any painted trailer. The motor hasn't be run in quite a while, but it pulled through, and felt like it had good compression, and generally clean, excepting for the mud dauber nests.

First thing to decide with the barge, was what to do with the motor. Since the club never originally desired a motor, with the added expense of engine maintenance and licensing, and possible misuse of a barge with a motor, the directors decided not to keep the motor. John Springer made a motion to sell or dispose of the motor, and Rick Walker seconded the motion, and the motion was passed without disagreement. Ben Hooks will take the motor in to have it checked out to see if its only good for parts, or what they might get for it.

John Owens will work up an estimate on the cost of the wood to replace the flooring and to build the counter/cabinets/seating.


Christening Committee:

Steve Lowe mention he has been asked about christening procedures on several boats receiving new names and/or owners and thought it would be good to have a more formal club function. Several directors mentioned Bob Pryor to perform the christening, and that a social event could be organized around such christenings.

Marina expansion update:

LPYC currently has two members needing slips and needs four more commitments before the additional six slips can be built. In addition, the Lake Authority wants a better visualization of the proposed marina expansion. This will entail setting up a time that the Lake Authority, owner of Lake Palestine Marina, and several members of the club can agree upon and setting up buoys marking the outline of the marina expansion proposal.

Keys to marina storage locker at Lake Palestine Marina:

Keys were issued to the following people, Rick Walker, Ben Hooks, Dana Adams, John Springer, and Steve Lowe.


New Business

Next Directors Meeting:

The date for the next meeting will be Tuesday May 10th at Ben Hooks office.



Motion by John Owens. Seconded by Ben Hooks to adjourn.
